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Tag: Barry Denton

Real Estate

South Florida’s Investor Invasion 

If you were planning to purchase an investment property in South Florida, Barry Denton has some bad news: it might be too late (for now). Here’s why the Florida-based Real Estate Agent thinks the opportunity to invest in local real estate for profit may be…

Real Estate

Prices in FL cities are soaring! 

Florida Real Estate Professional, Barry Denton, shares his thoughts on the incredible standing of real estate property value in Florida cities: Well, he has said it before and he’ll say it again: the Florida real estate market is red hot! According to Florida’s Business Authority,…

Real Estate

Florida Real Estate: To Buy or Not To Buy? 

Brokers in Florida say that the real estate market in Palm Beach is not only hot — it’s sizzling.  Some are even claiming that the blaze is burning brighter in the Sunshine State than anywhere else in the world. Florida based Real Estate Agent Barry…